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Belgian National Day

less than 1 minute read

Live camera onboard of an ambulance, accessible through a secured web server, during the Belgian National Day, 2015

The Waterloo 2015 case

less than 1 minute read

In June 2015, 200,000 people on three days to remember the battle of Waterloo.

Poppy For Teams

less than 1 minute read

Poppy for Teams increases your efficiency using apps and mobile technologies:

Des données mobiles pour observer la foule

10 minute read

Cet article examine différentes possibilités offertes aux organisateurs pour observer, voire anticiper, la foule et son état d’esprit. Nous abordons successi...

Apps to enhance public safety

less than 1 minute read

    Poppy enhance public safety by developing apps with cutting edge technologies such as iBeacons, push notifications and live geolocation tra...